MRCB - Our Team

Our Contribution
to the SDG

As one of Malaysia’s leading urban property and infrastructure developers, we recognise our responsibility in building the nation’s economy, delivering added value to society by practising and promoting sustainable business practices. As we continue to build our international presence, we aspire in contributing to global efforts in championing universal and share values, such as the UN SDG for sustainable development.

MRCB is a signatory member of the United Nations Global Compact (UNGC) and committed to align to its 10 business principles covering core areas such as human rights, labour, environment, and anti-corruption. The following illustration provides an overview of our contribution to the SDG guided by our Sustainability Roadmap.

SDG Description
  • We strive to continuously review our Quality, Environmental, Safety and Health (QESH) policy, in addition to various safety measures to protect our employees, subcontractors, clients and the general public.
  • We promote and participate in educational and career development programmes; aimed at inspiring and motivating young Malaysians to excel in their studies.
  • We acknowledge women’s contribution in the industry and have declared our commitment to promoting the advancement of women, especially in fields related to property development, engineering, and construction.
  • We provide fair and meaningful employment opportunities with respect for individual dignity and fundamental human rights.
  • We develop and construct green buildings, and where possible make efforts to incorporate sustainable features in our infrastructure projects.
  • We strive for higher degree of technology integration in our projects to eliminate the perception of “dangerous, dirty and difficult” (3D) jobs, elevating the status of the construction sector
  • We strive to reduce gender inequalities by providing our women workforce a safe work environment and fitted to their needs.
  • We believe in giving back to the less-privileged Malaysians through our Yayasan MRCB by giving contributions, donations, trainings to the underserved communities.
  • As a leading urban property developer in Transit Oriented Developments (TODs), we contribute to connecting communities and businesses, reducing GHG emissions in cities and promoting sustainable lifestyles by encouraging people to walk and travel using public transport.
  • MRCB to continuously revisit our approach on management systems, leadership practices and communications processes to delight our customers.
  • We implement our QESH policy at project sites, which includes the practice of the 3Rs (Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle.
  • We have started to track water and energy usage at our project sites besides implementing strategies to improve efficiency.
  • We deliver training courses and toolbox talks regularly to educate our site workers and employees on how to carry out site inspections.
  • We manage our construction waste responsibly.
  • We have formulated a carbon and eco-efficiency strategy towards becoming a carbon neutral company by 2040.
  • We are committing to the Ramsar Convention and the five principles stipulated in Malaysia’s National Policy on Biological Diversity where applicable to our business operations.
  • We strive for a strong corporate governance as it is fundamental to sustain competitive advantage and strengthen the management of sustainability-related risks.
  • We are fully committed to the United Nations Global Compact Network Malaysia in adopting its universal Ten Principles.

Adhering to Global Standards

MRCB is a constituent of the FTSE4Good Index. This index series encompasses companies that adhere to environmental, social and governance (ESG) criteria that are administered by the Financial Times Stock Exchange - Russell Group (FTSE).

Yayasan MRCB

The MRCB Foundation is focused on areas relating to children and the underprivileged, striving to identify programmes that will improve their quality of life.

For further information and enquiries, please contact our Corporate Communications department.

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